How You Can Help Team Dallas Win the Fiesta Movement!
So there are some mega advantages to being a nerd (especially in the Dallas area) but I’d say one of the top advantages is I get to meet some pretty fantabulous people. About a year ago I got to meet Colin & Alyssa in person at my very first crawfish boil. It was traumatizing, but Alyssa showed me the ropes and all turned out well. If you live in the Dallas area and you haven’t yet met this duo you’re clearly living under a rock! They’re both on the board of SMC (Social Media Club) of Dallas, they are forever dueling over various mayorships in the DFW area (power to the foursquare nerd!) and recently they were givin a car to drive FOR FREE! I still can’t believe it!
Last night I received the following email from Colin, with some requests on how we can support their team! And of course I offered to spread their request for help to the world, because well they’re awesomesauce. So please read, and pass along, and retweet, and email your grandmother … the following message.
Friends and Family,
As you may or may not already know, Alyssa and I were selected to participate in Chapter 2 of the Ford Fiesta Movement.  The Ford Fiesta Movement is a promotional program for the new Ford Fiesta, a car targeted towards millennials and city dwellers (us).Only 40 people (20 teams) were selected out of well over 1,000 applicants.  For the next 4 months, we’ll be driving a Ford Fiesta around town, and completing a series of challenges for points.  At the end of the 4 months, the team with the most points wins a pair of new Fiestas!  Given the fact that Alyssa and I are sharing a car – we’re very motivated!There are a few ways that we could really use your help to win this competition.First of all, one of the scoring criteria is the number of pageviews to our official team page.  So, if you could set your web browser’s default homepage to the following URL, or try to visit our page regularly, it would help immensely.
Our official team page is: you need help doing this, just let me know, I’ll be more than happy to show you!The next way you can help is by “following” our team’s profile for updates.  All you have to do is go to our official team page ( and click the “follow this team” button (see the picture below for guidance).  You’ll be asked for your e-mail address, but you will only receive updates from the Fiesta Movement program.Next, each of our challenges will require us to plan and host a major event.  RSVPs for the event count towards our point total.  It would be helpful if you could RSVP each time we have an event (we’ll let you know!).Finally – feel free to pass this along to anyone and everyone you’ve ever met!  We can’t pull this off without the help of our friends and family, so anything that you can do to help is very appreciated!There may be other opportunities that come up from time to time, and we’ll let you know when we know!Much love and thanks,-Colin
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Check out what others are saying...[…] Ford Fiesta agents for Chapter Two have been released on the road. The agents received their new 2011 Ford Fiestas earlier this […]