TEXAS STATE FAIR starts Friday, Sept 24th..DISCOUNTS

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DALLAS — It’s time again my friends for the Texas State Fair. Fried Beer anyone? (You heard that rumor too?) Admit it, all food tastes better on a stick. Even pie. You love tripping over the cute-yet-somewhat-creepy purple stuffed animals your sweet child insists on winning playing dart games. This year, you WILL climb to the top of Jacob’s Ladder and ring the darn bell. And there’s nothin’ like chasing your toddler through the backseats of every new car in the Car Building. You love tickling baby pigs. And, by golly, you NEED, no, you DESERVE a funnel cake.   FYI, mommies, when you’re ready for a nervous breakdown in the afternoon, beer is the cheapest in the Food Building.

Check the daily calendar of events to find your favorites — — or check PegNews’ listings! (Heads up cool music lovers: I hear Collective Soul is playing the fair October 17, and you’ll see them free with your State Fair admission!) What else can you see and do at the fair? Wine tasting. Dog dancing. Diving Pirates? Yep. Egg Gathering. Storytime. Puppets. Gondolas. Acrobats. Pumpkin Carving. Parades. Celebrity Chefs. You name it.

If you go, do not pay retail! Use one of these handy ways to get a discount. This is what I’ve heard will be available:

Opening Day Sept. 24: Bring a full 20 oz. Coca-Cola product for donation to the North Texas Food Bank. Containers are at Fair admission gates. You’ll enter The State Fair for $4 per donation per person.

DART Combo Ticket: Available at Kroger Food Stores. $16 buys 1 general admission to 2010 State Fair of Texas & round-trip transportation on DART the day of your visit. The Green Line drops off at front gate and a second station is located within easy walking distance to the MLK entrance. Advance ticket is $13.50 at Kroger without the DART pass.

Dr Pepper $3 Tuesdays: Every Tuesday, bring an empty Dr Pepper can and enter for $3. Most rides on those Tuesdays (excluding the Thrillway, Texas Star, and selected other attractions) are 5 coupons.

Dr Pepper $5 after 5 p.m.: Bring an empty Dr Pepper can to any State Fair admission gate after 5 p.m. and enter for $5.

Kroger “Three for $2” Wednesdays: Admission is $2 for each visitor bringing 3 cans of food for area food banks.

Coke $4 Thursdays: Bring an empty 20 oz. bottle of a Coca-Cola product and enter the Fair for $4 admission on Thursdays.

HealthSpring and Mature Texan Magazine sponsors of Seniors Day: FREE Thursdays for Senior Citizens 60 years and older.

FREE Cinemark Thursdays: Free admission with a Cinemark Theater ticket stub on Thursdays.

KISS-FM “Fridays at the Fair” : Half-price admission and half-price rides after 5 p.m. on any Friday. Must present coupon printed from KISS-FM website for admission offer. Half-price ride wristbands will be distributed from KISS booth outside Midway Arch from 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. on Fridays only.

106.1 KISS FM’s Fridays at the Fair promotion IS confirmed! All the details can be found here: http://www.1061kissfm.com/pages/prog/

Dickies Day: Thursday, September 30, wear and show your Dickies logo clothing item at the staffed tent outside the gate and receive a voucher. The voucher is for FREE admission on Thursday, September 30 only.

Any Day McDonald’s Deal: McDonald’s offers $4 off General Admission with one of their State Fair coupons (available on tray liner or bag stuffers) any day of the Fair. A free child ticket (with purchase of general admission) coupon is also distributed by McDonald’s. Offer may not be combined with any other offer.

Museum of Nature & Science Members: FREE Admission for you! Members receive a voucher this week (I got mine last week) good for free admission for two adults and up to 4 children. Voucher is good on any week day of the fair. You’re not a member? Join now, silly, and get your voucher!

While you’re at the fair, check out the Tom Landry exhibit, the new Children’s Aquarium, and, of course, the fried food.

Posted via email from elysa’s posterous

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