This is the 14th post in December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. This guest post was written by Colin Burns, someone I know through … Read More >>
This is the 13th post in December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. This guest post was written by my long term online and offline … Read More >>
This is the 12th post in December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. This guest post was written by Sydney Owen, skydiver, social … Read More >>
This is the 11th post in December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. This guest post was written by Christine Arylo, transformer of … Read More >>
Have you ever been in a relationship that you weren’t sure about? It isn’t terrible but it also isn’t great. How about a job? Ever had a job that you felt like you should like but for some reason something is off.
I firmly believe once you find the right fit in any area of your life you realize how truly wrong your previous option was.
I’ve had several jobs in my 20-some-odd years. In fact I started working at the age of 12. I’ve had jobs I was good at, short lived jobs (hello waiting tables for 3 weeks), jobs that I stayed in because I thought that’s what you were supposed to do, jobs I was great at but wasn’t sure what was missing… that was all until I found my people. Seriously? The group of people I work with now might very well be my long lost cousins. Geeky. Nerdy. Mega intelligent. Hilarious. did I mention nerdy. Brilliant Innovators. Game changers. Creative. Thoughtful. again funny. Connected. Inspiring.
And so this year, I can truly say… I heart by job! And I found my people.
This post is dedicated to the awesomesauce team of Bizzy! Wanna join our party? you’re invited go to and sign up you’ll get to see the magic of magicians behind Bizzy. I promise you’ll thank me.
Sidenote: I also find community offline and online with the fabulous people of Social Media Club of Dallas. And online with rockstars at Brazen Careerists. Online with fellow 20something bloggers at 20sb. AND app loving geeks at Appolicious.
Can you tell I’m a community lovin’ kind?!
{in participation with reverb10: Community Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010?}
As someone who has moved every year since 2004, I’m loving Grace’s collection of moving and relocating tips. Â Read More at Small Hands, Big Ideas
So there are any number of silly facebook apps/games/plugins that I see on any given today. Today I saw one that made me stop… not because it was overly brilliant but just because I’m in a mode of “year ending” and I liked the visual recap provided of my 2010 in My Year in Status. So here is a quick summary of my year.
When I was in college I discovered that I am at my most creative at 3am. If I’m awake at that time, which happens randomly I often find myself wanting to write or doodle or design something. If I’m not awake I may experience a brief spark of an idea that either presents itself as a dream or wakes me up briefly. Some time in October I had one of these moments. There are so many bright people that interact with online that I’m constantly inspired by. I’d consider myself a connector and social media and the blogging world has made that easier for me. The idea that came to was that I need a way to share the insights of all the creative minds I knew with all of the other people I engage in conversation with. A so began the hamster ball in my head…
the result…
I reached out to about 50 bloggers/writers/friends/strangers to ask them if they wanted to participate in a series I was planning to run. The series pitch – I’m want to close out 2010 with a series of top 10 lists, you can write on ten things you should, ten things not to, ten must try, ten anything you can think of as long as you tell me your topic ahead of time. The catch… I wanted to post the series as an ABC set so December 1st would be A, December 2nd B, and so on. Keeping in mind that there’s a pretty major holiday, or two, that fall in that time frame.
the responses…
a great number of yeses! Within a few days I had every letter of the alphabet filled, topics from dating to resumes, skydiving to yoga. The more responses I got back the more excited I was about how this was going to turn out.
and so, I made…
a month long blog series with 37(ish) writers that is received a great response from the writers and the blogging community. From this series I’ve already heard, one of the contributors has decided to write a book on the topic that she decided to add to my top 10 series, 2 existing authors get a new audience to share their book with, a few newbie writers get a platform to practice their creativity, and existing bloggers get to stretch their legs on new sand for a bit.
in the planning and in the execution throughout the month of December I made: Connectivity.
The posts in the series that are up so far:
- A – 10 Ways to be an Awesome Alma Mater Alum
- B – 10 Ways to be Beautiful without Spending a Penny
- C – 10 Ways To Stay Connected Without Facebook
- C – 10 Cooking Techniques Everyone Should Master
- D – Top 10 Ways To De-Stress
- D – 10 Questions to Help You Stop Thinking and Start DOING
- E – Top 10 Cold Hard Truths About Entrepreneurship
- F -Â Make Fitness A Lifestyle. Ten Ways To Stick With It.
{in participation with reverb10: What was the last thing you made?}
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