Total Economic Impact of Google Apps: the business value of faster collaboration
Nerd-Alert , Smartness
These as some pretty awesome statistics on economic value of using technology (aka Google Apps) to increase collaboration. I’m impressed. Not surprised, but impressed.
We recently commissioned the help of Forrester Consulting to measure the “Total Economic Impact†of Google Apps that customers can expect over three years by moving from traditional technologies to the cloud. While we encourage you to assess the potential impact for yourself, Forrester’s analysis (PDF) found that with Google Apps, a typical large business of 18,000 employees experiences:
- Productivity gains even larger than cost savings
- Over 300% return on investment
- Break-even under seven months
- Total economic impact over $10,000,000 (NPV)
From The Google Blog
Looking forward to this next weekend!Â
Elysa Rice’s Checkins by
(via Aaron Strout)
Wanna see where I like to eat, shop, hangout in Dallas area? Checkout my Bizzy list. And of course you can add your own. If you do send me the link so I can checkout your favs.
Social Media Sobriety Test from TDA_Boulder on Vimeo.
(via Colin Burns)
Apparently it’s World Communication Week. In my line of work everyday is communication day but hey if it’s a world event I suppose I’ll take it. Here are my favorite communication apps. What are yours?
Did you know November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month? And you just thought November was all about the turkey didn’t you.
1. On your computer or phone, see
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You may be surprised to see what’s in your town.
Every day, I’m surprised (& thrilled) to see all the ways that > Meetups affect people’s lives. Together, we’re “using the > internet to get off the internet”… and re-inventing local > community!!
– Scott Heiferman, Co-Founder
Hey Blog Action Day bloggers,
I wanted to share some really exciting news: we just received confirmation that the White House and the UK Foreign Office will both be joining us in blogging about water on Blog Action Day this Friday.
With more influential blogs set to confirm their participation in the next few days, Blog Action Day 2010 is shaping up to be the biggest single day of action about clean water on record. But to make sure this happens, we need your help.
Every year, after Blog Action Day is over, we get countless emails from bloggers saying “I wish I had known about this day beforehand!†While there’s nothing we can do about those emails after October 15th, we have four days left to get the word out.
So, if you have a friend or family member who blogs, or are part of a blogging community, we need your help in spreading the word about Blog Action Day. It doesn’t matter how large or small a blog is or what topics it covers – we want everyone involved.
You can help spread the word three ways:
- Send an email to friends: At the end of this email, we’ve included a sample letter you can send out to your blogging friends and family members letting them know about Blog Action Day.
- Post to a blogger forum or listserv: If you’re part of a blogging community, listserv or forum with lots of bloggers, you can use the same information below to encourage everyone to participate.
- Write an early blog post: In addition to posting on Blog Action Day this Friday, consider writing an announcement post earlier in the week letting the readers of your blog know about Blog Action Day. Many of your readers are likely to have their own blogs, and this will give them time to register before the big day.
If you have any questions or additional suggestions of your own, please reply to this email and let us know.
Thank you for your continued commitment and support – Blog Action Day would not be possible without you.
Thanks again,
Maria & the Blog Action Day team
P.S. A number of bloggers have asked whether or not they would have to re-register if they blogged last year. The answer is yes: your Blog Action Day registration doesn’t carry over so you will have to re-register your blog. But the good news is it takes less than 60 seconds!
I wanted to let you know about an important online event I’m taking part in on October 15th, called Blog Action Day. Each year bloggers from more than 100 countries come together and blog about a single important issue, and this year’s topic is clean water. The event includes thousands of blogs – including the White House blog and The Official Google Blog – and they’re looking for as many blogs to participate as possible, regardless of their size and focus.
I hope you’ll think about joining me for this event. If you want more information, check out the Blog Action Day site at
Hope to see your post on the 15th!
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