“Barbie-licious” PINK Drinks | Hostess with the Mostess®

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It starts with one simple question: What do you want to make better?

A place where you can share, vote on, & discuss ideas for things that you want to make better.


Checkout who is one of the Featured Speakers at Big D Conference!
Big News in Big D

HeartQuotesâ„¢: Happiness



dreamy by ~sumasiapa on deviantART

reblogged:lovehopehate alfredocore merricat seaofacorns rabbyte biccchi abcbabcba etoystk classics

Life is about timing …

via legallyheidi & Back in skinny jeans

Silly Shirt …

Cool Tees from lunchboxbrain | Pop Culture Tees

I am entirely too excited by this! #5!

Seize a Memory

Ten Bills: T-Shirts!

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