• 4 Community Management Predictions for 2012 >> Mashable
    After I was able to get past the uneducated statement that “community management is in its infancy”, I found some value in Mashable’s predictions for Community Management this year.
    What I think is more interesting than the post itself is a comment from David Dewald “Social media is a tool for a Community Manager, like a hammer. Sure hitting the nail dead center on the head of the hammer can be more efficient, but as long as you are swinging and hitting the nail, you will drive the nail home. Companies really need to stop thinking that Social Media Management is the same thing as Community Management. It is just another channel to connect with your users.”
  • 10 Fundamental Tips for Social Media Community Managers >> Hubspot
    “Because community manager jobs vary at each company, there is no one magic bullet to make a community management program work. But with more and more community manager jobs showing up every day, here are some tips for new or aspiring community managers or those who think they could benefit from a community management function in their marketing department. “
  • Study: Facebook Pages Shouldn’t Post More Than 1x Every 3 hours >> TechCrunch
    Althought I’m never inclined to agree with “magic bullet” posts that have an ABC formula for how a brand should prepare their content strategy, I am always open to reviewing research and apply that to the overall strategy plan of a page.
    If nothing else, the conversation in the comments of this post are worth reviewing.

    Facebook post engagment lifetime graph

  • Take Back Your Attention >> Brass Tack Thinking
    The online experience you immerse yourself in is, to a large degree, under your control. You can give your attention easily with a click, and add information to the stream you take in. But never forget that you can remove it as easily, and sometimes you absolutely should.
  • 10 Social Media Law & Governance Resolutions for 2012 >> Business 2 Community
    If you take nothing else away from this post, Establish or Update A Social Media Policy should be top priority for all companies, no matter if you have 1 employee or 100,000.
  • 9 Tools for a Paperless Life >> under30ceo
    I’d say “getting organized” is right up there with “lose weight” as most popular New Year’s Resolutions, even if you don’t have a desire to go 100% paperless this year, these digital tools are a great starting point to lowering the amount of paper clutter you have in your personal and professional life.
  • Be Careful With Your LinkedIn — Executive Forced Out for Profile Details >> Social Times
  • A new record high of 1.2 billion apps were downloaded in last week of 2011 >> The Next Web
    “a 60% increase in apps downloaded from earlier in December, blowing right through the billion-app barrier. The US led the pack, with 509M downloads.”
  • 25 Eye-Popping Internet Marketing Statistics for 2012 >> Hubspot
    Some intersting research from Hubspot, the numbers on mobile retail and eReaders is particularly interesting. “Mobile shoppers will reach 72.8 million in 2012”
    mobile stat predictions for 2012
  • Top 1% of Mobile Users Use Half of World’s Wireless Bandwidth >> New York Times
    “The top 10 percent of users, meanwhile, are consuming 90 percent of wireless bandwidth.”
  • Smartphones Turn Millions More Americans into Mobile Shoppers >> eMarketer

Taken at Addison Circle

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adventures in bridal expos with my mom

  • 30 Social Media Predictions for 2012 From the Pros >> Social Media Explorer
    I personally follow the majority of the pros who added their predictions for 2012. And although I enjoy their separate voices, it’s always interesting for several people from differing backgrounds to come together with one goal. It will be interesting in December, to look back to see how many of these predictions come true.
  • Ten reasons to blog even if nobody reads it >> Business Grow
    “ten legitimate business reasons why your company should be blogging — even if you can’t seem to build a community of active readers.”
  • What Facebook Wants You To Know About The Future of The Social Web >> smedio
    Although this post is a few months old (acient in internet time) these Facebook changes are slowly being rolled out as we speak.
  • The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011 >> Forbes
    This is part 1 of a two part series of what Forbes contributor, Christopher Barger, believes to be the top social media lessons of 2011
  • Home Depot: PayPal’s First In-Store, Brick and Mortar Mobile Payments Integration is at Home Depot >> TechCrunch
    PayPal announced an in-store payments technology both via mobile and point of sale systems that is currently being tested on a ‘friends and family’ basis in Home Depot.
  • How Xbox Is Giving the TV Its ‘iPhone Moment’ >>AdAge
    The latest update to Microsoft’s Xbox 360 video game system is making it easier for users to access video content, including video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, ESPN, TMZ and HBO.
  • Pinned Posts, The Twitter Brand Page Feature Facebook and Google+ Should Steal >> TechCrunch
    The new Twitter brand pages have recently been rolled out, there is a feature that TechCrunch thinks should be added to business pages on Facebook and Twitter. WordPress has a similar feature, and I agree it’s nice to be able to decide what post a first time visitor sees.
  • StumbleUpon gets a makeover: New design, new logo, new features>> gigaom
    Popular bookmarking and social discovery site, StumbleUpon.com launched a major redesign, with channel features and additions of curated content by brands.
  • Google Analytics Preparing for Social Reports Next Year >> Search Engine Watch
    “The intent, says Google, is to allow site owners the ability to know what kind of engagement their content gets through social media and measure it by social network for the purpose of being able to optimize content for additional engagement across social networks.”
  • Facebook introduces private messages between business pages and fans >> The Next Web
    “Consumer facing businesses will find the feature particularly useful as it enables more personal communication with individual customers, opening the possible of a greater level of customer service on Facebook.”
  • Hubspot collected 30 Social Media Marketing Tips from popular posts throughout 2011 >> HubspotWith over 3,000 twitter shares and 600+ Linkedin postings, this post from Hubspot is worth reviewing. While I agree with most of the items, #2 (If you’re going to use social media for customer service, mirror your hours of operation on Twitter to the hours of operation you have for your support team.) is debatable, depending on the nature of the business. Number 8 should be a rule of thumb for all businesses, large and small, living in the social space: “Show your power users that you appreciate their contributions.”
  • SocialMedia2day has some predictions on Social Media Challenges for Businesses in 2012 >> socialmediatoday“The days of questioning if engaging in social media is a viable or responsible advertising strategy are behind us. The questions and concerns moving forward are about how to optimize engagement and create strategy.” The quote at the end is a common problem, as new social networks join the space… “Don’t let ‘too much social’ become a blind spot for your business.”
  • Soda Startup Aims To Serve Beverages You Design From a Vending Machine >> Mashable[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9U9VUfgkPc&w=500&h=284]
  • 12 Most Compelling Business Lessons from Rock Stars >> 12 mosttwo thumbs up for anyone who will present “Be as human as The Beach Boys” at their next marketing meeting.

At lunch today, we were discussing whether or not people are reading blogs and keeping up with industry news this week. Despite the fact that some pretty major social updates have been announced recently the main posts that keep catching my eye are gift guides. I’ve seen any number of gift cards for him, for her, for the fashionista in your life, for the photographer, foodie and so I thought I’d share some suggestions for your social media team. And so I give you (in no particular order)…

25 Gift Ideas for Your Social Media Team

1. Social Media Icon Pillows

source: Etsy // price: $25 each

2. Youtube Wall Clock

source: Etsy // price: $22

3. Twitter Necklack: “I’m Totally Tweeting This!!”

I'm totally tweeting this!! twitter necklace

source: Etsy // price: $7.95

4. Like/Dislike Facebook Stamps

Like/Dislike Facebook stamps

source: ThinkGeek // price: $9.99

5. Social Media Fridge Magnets

social media magnets: like, tweet, @, mail

source: ThinkGeek // price: $4.99

6. Goodnight iPad: a Parody for the next generation

source: Amazon // price: $7.47

7. Pixelated Hand Sticky Note Pads

source: ThinkGeek // price: $4.99 – $8.99

8. Jumbo Angry Birds

large angry bird plush toy

source: ThinkGeek // price: $49.99

9. Twitter Bird Plush

blue twitter bird toy

source: Amazon // price: $13.99

10. Facebook “Thumbs Up” Plush Toy

facebook thumbs up pillow plush

source: Amazon // price: $13.99

11. “I Need More Coffee!” Facebook Status Coffee Mugs

I need more coffee facebook mug

source: Zazzle // price: $13.95

12. “I love my computer. All my friends live there.” Travel Mug

i love my computer mug

source: Zazzle // price: $24.50

13. Custom Twitter @name Necklace

custom twitter necklace

source: Etsy // price: varies

14. Honey Badger, he don’t care. Tshirt

honeybadger tshirt

source: Zazzle // price: $27.40

15. Everyday, I’m Tumblin’..

everyday I'm tumblin tshirt

source: CafePress // price: $19

16. Customized Twitter or Facebook Friends Mug

customized twitter or facebook mug

source: CrowdedLink // price: $15

17. I Love My Blog T-Shirt

i heart my blog tshirt

source: Zazzle // price: $34.95

18. I’m So Blogging This Tshirt

I'm SO Blogging This tshirt

source: CafePress // price: $28

19. Trust Me I’m a Blogger Tshirt

trust me I'm a blogger tshirt

source: CafePress // price: $29.50

20. Keep Calm and Tweet On Poster

keep calm and tweet on poster

source: Etsy // price: $10.95

21. Keep Calm and Blog On Poster

Keep Calm and Blog On Poster

source: Etsy // price: $10.95

22. Excuse me, I tweeted Tshirt

excuse me I tweeted tshirt

source: Zazzle // price: $24.40

23. Tweet Like No One is Following Tshirt

source: BustedTees // price: sold out

24. Anti-Farmville Tshirt

source: CafePress // price: $29.50

25. Tumblr Bookmarks

tumblr bookmarks

source: Etsy // price: $7.00

PS: I am REALLY surprised how many of these items still include MySpace options.

Have I missed any of your favorites?

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