“You do get to a certain point in life where you have to realistically, I think, understand that the days are getting shorter, and you can’t put things off thinking you’ll get to them someday. If you really want to do them, you better do them. There are simply too many people getting sick, and sooner or later you will. So I’m very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal of it.â€
Nora Ephron
Film Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Novelist
(via swissmiss & Design Thought Leader)
That’s all. Well unless you want to watch this video to know why…
HootSuite Social Analytics from HootSuite on Vimeo.
I joined the Kindle carrying club at Christmas. And since I seem to like spend my hard earned money in $0.99 increments via iTunes, I’m always on a lookout for free (or discounted) Kindle books. Following is a post from one of my favorite Kindle resources, Pixel of Ink. The idea of this book simultaneously cracks me up and makes me cringe.
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The Manwife Chronicles – As Pantless as I Want to Be by David Kaa (4.8 out of 5 stars) is currently only $2.99 for the Kindle Edition!
When you’re unemployed pants are like days of the week – meaningless.
For almost two years David Kaa has found himself unemployed, sorting his wife’s underwear and trying to dress the kids so they wouldn’t get stuffed in a locker. So he did what any person would do without adult conversation all day – he took to the Internet.
The book is a compilation of funny, random daily questions David posed to his audience, and his “correct†answers, which explains why he still doesn’t have a job. The Manwife Chronicles – As Pantless as I Want to Be shows the humor and creativity of one man once his mind has been freed from pointless, life-sucking meetings.
Click here to download: The Manwife Chronicles – As Pantless as I Want to Be
Also available in the UK Kindle Store for only £2.15!
Want more of David Kaa? You can find The Manwife Chronicles online at http://themanwifechronicles.com or follow him on Twitter
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Do you remember when you used to get email forwards with kittens and rabbits? Maybe you’re like me, and some of your family didn’t get the memo that they could start their own Tumblr, with all the kittens they want, instead of sending emails with Fwd: FWD: Fwd in the subject.
ANYWAY, these days when I get cool emails rather than hitting forward I’d much rather put it on the blog because a) I really don’t like email and b) the awesomeness can more easily be passed around. SO…. this is me turning an email from Jenn Besse into a blog post. But first, do you follow her on twitter, because you should. If you are not convinced yet, how about if I tell you her twitter handle is @bottlethecrazy? I thought so.
After you read this you will also agree that this is for an awesome cause (hello several of my BFFs are teachers!) and you too will want to spread the word, I’m sure!
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Hello fellow Awesome Faces!
I apologize in advance for the bulk email, but in my defense, I rarely do these – and they’re usually about hacking incidents. I actually have good news this time – today is your day to be a hero!
*insert Sarah McLachlan music here* Every day teachers step into the classroom and teach our future leaders. The children, in turn, make us laugh by filming hysterical YouTube videos and saying, well, the darndest (Gmail, that is a word) things. But sometimes teachers can’t afford their classroom. Without inspiration, how can these children entertain us? Obviously I’m thinking of the kids here, and so are the SXSWAngels. The Angels are a team of 5 LA ladies participating in Chevy’s SXSW Road Trip Challenge. Why does this matter? Because they are raising money for Adopt-a-Classroom and Border Stylo (my company) is helping.
We’re asking our community to share a story about their favorite teacher on our Facebook wall. For every blurb we receive, Border Stylo will donate $1 to Adopt-a-Classroom as part of the SXSWAngels’ fundraiser. I normally wouldn’t bug you with this sort of thing, but I loved school and have a lot of good memories to share. Unfortunately, Border Stylo says I don’t count. I already sent in a personal donation, but now I’m hoping you guys can help me out.
All you have to do is go here (http://facebook.com/writeonglass) and share your favorite teacher memory. No money necessary. No app permissions. And absolutely no Sarah McLachlan. We’ll be collecting stories until March 10th – after that we’ll donate the money and create a blog post with all of the teacher shout-outs so people can see the awesome stories that have been shared.
Do it for this kid:Â
Thanks in advance you guys! And, of course, if you’d like to donate on your own, you can chip in here:Â http://sxswangels.com
My undergraduate degree is in Communication Design (aka graphic design) and although I don’t do much design these days I do still have the font nerd inside of me. The other day I stumbled across an app called HelvTime that shows you the current time in a prettier (although less practical manner).
When I first downloaded the app it was having trouble updating the time but it appears that bug was fixed. While this app probably wont stay on my phone for long, because it doesn’t serve much purpose, I did decide to see if there are other apps that are an ode to Helvetica. And wouldn’t you know there are several.
So I decided to make a list of Free Apps for Helvetica Lovers. Here are the icons of the apps. You can read my writeup/description/download link for each app here:
And in case you were wondering here are all of the Helvetica related apps on Appolicious.
The newest way to track down a networking opportunity, find a date, or help a neighbor out… or the ultimate stalkerific tool? What do you think?
Jason Fitzpatrick, a writer who has written over 4,500 articles at Lifehacker gave his notice to the internet yesterday that he is leaving Lifehacker. I love his closing words, his advice is a great reminder for us all.
The only commodity we have is time. Somewhere—in your mind, on a notepad, stashed in a virtual notebook—you have a list of things you’d like to be doing with your time before it all slips away. Do what you have to do to take those ideas out of storage and make them happen. You can trade and barter for a lot in life but you can never buy back time. Go live.
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