heh this version of Spotify is not allergic to nuts #goodtoknow

Posted via email from elysa’s posterous Tweet

Heaven Got a Good One | #Reverb10

… that’s the text message I sent her the day her mom died after a 2 year battle with cancer. I knew it was coming soon but even still I was Not Ready. {in participation with reverb10. today’s prompt: Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year?} Tweet

Glitter in the Air | #Reverb10

Sometimes a song says it all. Have you ever … Closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted? Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air? Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, “I just don’t care”? It’s only half past the point of no return The tip of the […]

Some Things Are Meant to Be | #Reverb10

{in participation with reverb10: Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year.} Tweet

my fav song at the moment: shadowfeet


amazing young guitar player


One – Tina Dico


beautiful music

beautiful music (lovehopehate lifeisprettywoman pie0 marilagskie delacroix rebeccazoe keeplistening matt_in_a_field) Tweet

Adele – Chasing Pavements

Lyrics | Adele lyrics – Chasing Pavements lyrics Tweet