Check your iPhone Upgrade Eligibility Dates

Just learned how/when I’m eligible for upgrade via this email from Small Dog.
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AT&T Bumps Up iPhone Upgrade Eligibility Dates
AT&T has bumped up the upgrade eligibility dates for many iPhone owners. This means that some current iPhone users will not have to wait until the end of their two-year contract before upgrading their phone at a subsidized rate.

The fact that this change has taken place in the days leading up to the WWDC is likely not a coincidence. There has been a large amount of speculation that the next generation of iPhone will be announced at today’s keynote.

This change comes as great news for many iPhone users looking to upgrade, especially 3G owners looking to fully reap the benefits of iPhone OS 4.0. To check your eligibility, call *NEW# (*639#) and AT&T will send you a free text with your new upgrade date.

Posted via email from elysa’s posterous

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