Dallas-Fort Worth Out-sprawls the Rest of the United States in Census Numbers
According to the latest Census Bureau numbers, released today, Dallas-Fort Worth was the fastest-growing metro area in the whole of the USA in the past decade. We added 1.3 million people, up 25 percent over the year 2000. We’re still No. 4 in terms of metro size, with a good bit to go before we could catch Chicago at No. 3 (with about 9.6 million to our 6.5 million).
And please don’t read too much into my joke of a headline. I’ve got no problem with someone who chooses to buy a much bigger house way out in Frisco, even if they work in downtown Dallas and transform themselves into road-raging maniacs because of the 2 to 3 hours they have to spend on the road commuting each day. It’s not my own choice, but I know just how much value some people place on a good-sized yard, better schools for the kids, and a monster-sized family room. To each his own.