Deadline Approaching for TEDxKIDS Confernece on Oct.15

Do you know any 6th, 7th or 8th graders who would be interested in a TEDx experience designed just for them? TEDxSMU is producing the 2nd annual TEDxKIDS conference on Friday, October 15 for middle school students, and applications to attend are only open through September 17.TEDx kids are leaders, artists, creators, innovators, inventors. They are excited about science and technology or getting involved in their community. They are inquisitive and respond to nontraditional teaching methods. All are open to new ideas and respectful of others.We hope inquisitive, engaged students from all over the Metroplex will join us  for an afternoon of inspiring speakers, energetic discussions, and eye-opening demos.

October 15, 2010
12pm – 5pm
Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre at the AT&T Performing Arts Center

All applications are due by September 17.

More information about TEDxKids @SMU is available on our website: Please forward on to other administrators, teachers, parents or others that might be interested in this exciting enrichment opportunity.

P.S. There’s also an opportunity for high school junior & senior students to be involved…information about the “camp counselor” program is available on our website.

Posted via email from elysa’s posterous

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