SocialNerdia {Community Management}
Posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 · Leave a Comment
- 4 Community Management Predictions for 2012 >> Mashable
After I was able to get past the uneducated statement that “community management is in its infancy”, I found some value in Mashable’s predictions for Community Management this year.
What I think is more interesting than the post itself is a comment from David Dewald “Social media is a tool for a Community Manager, like a hammer. Sure hitting the nail dead center on the head of the hammer can be more efficient, but as long as you are swinging and hitting the nail, you will drive the nail home. Companies really need to stop thinking that Social Media Management is the same thing as Community Management. It is just another channel to connect with your users.”
- 10 Fundamental Tips for Social Media Community Managers >> Hubspot
“Because community manager jobs vary at each company, there is no one magic bullet to make a community management program work. But with more and more community manager jobs showing up every day, here are some tips for new or aspiring community managers or those who think they could benefit from a community management function in their marketing department. “
- Study: Facebook Pages Shouldn’t Post More Than 1x Every 3Â hours >> TechCrunch
Althought I’m never inclined to agree with “magic bullet” posts that have an ABC formula for how a brand should prepare their content strategy, I am always open to reviewing research and apply that to the overall strategy plan of a page.
If nothing else, the conversation in the comments of this post are worth reviewing.